Tawheed, well-explained (Part 2) - Waheed Hussain
Jumu'ah Khutbah on 28th June 2024 (22nd Dhul Hijjah 1445H), at Nottingham Islam Information Centre by Waheed Hussain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brothers and Sisters please remember the saying of our Lord; “Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend indeed, Allah is knowing of it.” [Surah al-Imran 3:92] HOW TO DONATE Donate by Text Message - TEXT 'NIIP99 £10' to '70070' to donate £10. TEXT 'NIIP99 £5' to '70070' to donate £5. TEXT 'NIIP99 £3' to '70070' to donate £3. Donate Securely Online - Any debit card or PayPal http://www.justgiving.com/nottinghami... Bank Transfer: Nottingham Islam Information Point A/C No. 04279504 Sort Code: 30-96-18 International Donors: Nottingham Islam Information Point Swift / BIC #: LOYDGB21069 Sort Code: 30-96-18 Bank Name: Lloyds Bank PLC IBAN #: GB49 LOYD 3096 1804 2795 04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JazakAllahu khairun.